Jul 18Liked by Culture Critic

I never fail to be amazed by GT. I’ve (informally) studied Mesopotamian and Egyptian as well as Aztec and MesoAmerican ancient architecture - but GT resets the time button and dismantles established pool of knowledge. It’s both a source of pride, awe and humility before those that have gone before us.

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Hmm. Interesting. I wonder what you would make of this hypothesis regarding the Adam and Eve myth: that it was originally conceived as a political allegory about military conquest made possible by the invention of agriculture, an event that destabilized the neolithic world of small-scale village horticulture in favor of large complex societies based on class rule and agricultural servitude, after which history becomes little more than a story of warring states in a relentless competition for power, a competition which has continued right on up to the present day. In other words, military conquest was the 'original sin' that corrupted the whole world, being the death knell of small, relatively independent human societies everywhere, including those in ancient Turkey. I know this sounds wild, and of course I may be mistaken, but look at the evidence: https://shorturl.at/QTwHE

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